H2020 smart cities and communities : program for the ecological transition
H2020 project was created by the European Union in 2013. Gathering 53 partners from 13 countries, this program represents a budget of 79 billion Euros. Adressing cities and metropolis rallied in the ecological transition, H2020 finances innovative solutions in favor of energy efficiency and ressources optimization through highly integrated systems. This budget promotes politicians and ambitious projects whith an international scope.
The aim is to highlight the development of positive energy cities while duplicating districts that make more energy than they consume.
dIJON, selected by the european commission for its "response" project

Response (integRetEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient citiEs) was the only selected out of the 12 applicants to the European commission call for projects. Dijon Métropole, supported by EDF local teams and a dozen other partners (such as OGGA), will set up the widest self-subsistent district in France : the energy producted will directly be used by the users.
The project brings to light local companies' dynamism and savoir-faire. To this end, the project will be divided in three axis :
- Two energy positive sets in the priority neighboorhood of Fontaine d'Ouche
- The development of a data monitoring and planning tool : Air quality, temperatures, humidity, energy consumption.
- Inhabitants will involve themselves in this energy transition.
This projet started the 1th of October 2020 and will extend to 2025. If the Response Project implemented in Dijon is a success, the model will be duplicated to other european biggest cities. The aim is to generalize innovative solutions and bring technology in the energy transition to reduce the global warming.
ogga selected by Dijon metropole for its smart thermostat
To create its model of connected district, Dijon Métropole chose OGGA among other Smart city players.
Eco-Touch appeared to be a real asset for this project. Since we extract energy consumption data from housings in real time, we can help the other players to have a better overview of the needs in energy everywhere on the district every time of the day.
Moreover, Eco-Touch allows, in a independent way, to predict where and when there will be consumption peaks, permitting Dijon Metropole to better manage its energy. This is a very effective way to avoid energy waste, which is essential when you deal with volatile renewable energies.
Finally, because of its learning capabilities, Eco-Touch creates real energy savings on the heating, the lighting and stanby on the long term.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n° 957751. The document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsability. It cannot be considered to reflect the view of the European Comission and/or the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). The european Commission and the Agency do not accept responsabilité for the use that may be made of the information it contains.